Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reasons to Use Silicone Drops for Prosthetic Eyes

Whether you have had a prosthetic eye for years or have just received one, you are undoubtedly aware of how important proper lubrication is. In the event that you don't lubricate your artificial eye properly, the result will probably be irritating friction between the eye and the thin skin of your eye socket. Tears provide a natural form of lubrication for actual eyes. Tears are always present in actual eyes, providing vital moisture. Tears, though, aren't able to provide the large amount of lubrication that prosthetic eyes require.

Why Pick Silicone Lubrication If You Have an Artificial Eye?

All tears have traces of salt. Due to this, eye drops designed for biological eyes also contain salt, frequently referred to as saline. These eye drops, meant to mimic natural tears, tend to dry quite quickly. Consider how promptly your tears dry on your cheeks after you have cried; saline eye lubricants do the same thing. 

You must be aware, though, that anyone who wears an artificial eye cannot use eye drops that dry promptly. It is important for prosthetic eye lubricants to be rather thick and sticky. These two characteristics are both possessed by silicone. It is only logical that prosthetic eyes and biological eyes would require the use of different eye drops. Prosthetic eyes are crafted from acrylic, which must be cared for in a certain way.

Additional Facts Regarding Silicone Based Lubricants

Anyone who has a prosthetic eye undoubtedly desires to purchase the most well-respected eye lubricant available to them. The best artificial eye lubricants contain a mixture of several sorts of silicone. Generally, a thick form of silicone is mixed with a thin sort; this way, the lubricant can successfully coat the whole prosthetic eye. One common combination requires the use of the thick silicone dimethicone and the thin silicone cyclopentasiloxane. Silicone even has the ability to make artificial eyes appear shiny; thus, they give the impression of being natural.

Several Last Perks That Come With Buying Silicone Eye Lubrication Products

Since silicone eye drops don't dry for quite a while, you can spend hours doing other things before you need to apply them to your artificial eye again. As a matter of fact, individuals often apply these lubricants just a couple of times every day. This way, you won't have to constantly stop in the middle of tasks to re-lubricate your prosthetic eye. Check out this link

Almost all of the silicone lubrication products that are meant to be used with prosthetic eyes have been approved by governmental agencies. If you are struggling to find a prosthetic eye lubrication solution that works for you, ask your physician to provide a suggestion for something that is safe and effective.

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